NOTICE: As of October 4th, 2002 MSN has discontinued use of the SMTP outgoing mail port. So if they ever reactivate it, then these instructions will work. You can Call MSN and request a "Pop3 Rollback" of your MSN.COM mail account to regain this functionality.
Outlook Express with MSN and MSNTV
Getting your Outlook Express with Msn and MSNTV pop Mail to send replies to WebTV mail from your computer.
1) click on Tools, then accounts:
2)select the account you need to enhance with MSN, and click Properties:
3)click the servers tab in the properties:
4)Set the incoming mail server to
and the Outgoing mail server to
be sure to check the "My server requires authentication" checkbox
as shown here:
5)Click the Settings button to bring up this:
and set it as above. Be sure to include the MSN/ before your username, put in your MSN Password, and check the box next to "Log on using Secure Password Authentication"
6)Click the OKs and DONEs to close the dialogues and finish.
7)You may receive an MSN Login Box when you send mail, you must login:
8)Due to the rules above, you may get this when attempting to send mail:
If you receive this message, it is for one of 4 reasons:
a) incorrect password
- please double-check your msn password
b) failure to establish secure communications
- If you are on a special system such as at work or behind certain firewalls, port 25 may be blocked. Check with your network administrator.
c) the Logon using secure authentication is not checked
- please review the settings and make sure the box is checked. Look in #5 above
d) The account has never been provisioned for pop3
- While receiving pop3 mail from outside your msn account has always been there, SENDING pop3 mail is another matter. Only accounts that are specifically set for POP3 can do this activity. If Your MSN.COM mail is directly accessible in MSN8 or Hotmail then you need a "POP3 Rollback" from MSN to use this.